A Historic Venue
Looking for a unique space to hold your next event? The FFA Historical & Ag Museum is an affordable option for a wide variety of occasions. Review the Rent Guidelines and either download the rental form and return to the museum or use the online form below.
Rental Guidelines
The La Porte City FFA Historical and Ag Museum is owned by the City. Renters of the Museum are requested to observe and help enforce the following common rules of the City: Show respect for personal and property rights of others, clean speech, and avoidance of unnecessary noise which might disturb residents in the immediate neighborhood.
Rental Fee must be paid the day of the event.
No items may be moved without Museum permission.
No smoking is allowed on Museum property.
Renter is responsible for the cost to repair or replace any items broken or damaged during their event and must report any such items to the Museum the day of that event.
The Museum is not responsible for any items brought into the Museum or left at the Museum.
Renter is responsible for clean-up after the event, including emptying the garbage.
Wine and beer is permitted with advanced approval.

Group Tour Options
During Business Hours: No Food or Drink
$3 per person.
Must leave at regular closing time.
During Business Hours: Food & Drink Brought in by Group
$3 per person
All food/drink brought in needs museum approval in advance.
Additional fee may be charged for use of museum supplies, tablecloths, etc.
Must leave 1/2 hour prior to regular closing time.
During Non-Business Hours
Opening fee of $40 (covers payroll for 1 employee for 4 hours).
$3 per person.
All food/drink brought in needs museum approval in advance.
Additional fee may be charged for use of museum supplies, tablecloths, etc.
Maximum of three (3) hours.